Thursday, January 17, 2008


Last night, I went to the evening class at CrossFit Des Peres. After warming up, we did some heavy work with barbells and kettlebells. I especially enjoyed the bottoms up presses.

For the WOD (workout of the day), we did the Bodyweight 400.

5 rounds for time of
10 push-ups
20 squats
10 sit-ups
20 split lunges
20 jumping jacks

Unfortunately, I only finished 3 rounds. I'm still kicking myself for not slowing down and gutting it out. I've got to overcome my quitters attitude. Maybe tomorrow's painstorm will give me a chance to redeem myself. I'm not sure who to blame but tomorrow we will be doing a painstorm which combines the exercises from "Fran", "Diane", "Helen", and "Elizabeth". I can feel the fear building.

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