Friday, November 21, 2008

Starting Over (again and again and again...)

After months of inactivity, save the occasional bike ride at work, I'm trying again. I'm back up around my peak weight of 280 lbs. My diet has gone down the drains. It is frustrating to have achieved so much for it to all go away. But I'm starting over. I swear I am.

This week, I did the buttercup versions of the CrossFit WODs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday courtesy of BrandX and their scaled workouts. I'm trying hard to pace myself so I didn't time the workouts. Keep in mind, the buttercup versions look almost nothing like their bigger sisters. Helen is one of the signature CrossFit, push for sub-5 minute times, workouts and Nicole is a killer 20 minute max rounds completed with max rep sets of pull-ups. Two very different workouts but the buttercup versions look similar.
Helen (buttercup)
3 rounds
Run 200 meters
8 lb swings (1 gallon tea jug)
6 body rows

Nicole (buttercup)
3 rounds
Run 200 meters
12 body rows

Run 5k (buttercup)
I'm running 1 mile later today.

And to top things off, I'm going to a 7 hour gymnastics class on Sunday, courtesy of CrossFit St. Charles.