Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Workout 2008-07-16

Another workout with Orie.

A couple of minutes of jump rope with the odd double under.

Joint mobility, including lunges with elbow to instep.

A set of 10-12 air squats.

A set of 12 overhead squats with dowel.

Tuck hold for 60 seconds on parallelettes. It took me 4 or 5 sets to get to 60 seconds.

30 second plank on the rings (feet supported), one set.

Overhead lunges across the room and back with dowel.

30 second plank on the rings (feet supported), one set.

Overhead lunges across the room and part way back. When my hamstring started cramping, we switched activity.

7 sets of 5 x push press at 45, 55, 65, 85, 105, 110, 115 lbs.

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