Wednesday, July 02, 2008

CrossFit Again

To kick off my effort to reverse the recent weight gain trend, I did a personal training session with Orie. I think I first met Orie at a weekend workout at the Kirkwood track. He is an amazing guy with a deep well of knowledge about CrossFit, nutrition and human performance. I was quite excited when I heard he'd started taking on training clients after attending his certification.

We started out with some join mobility, a good thing for my troublesome shoulder. I need to write down a lot of the movements we did. I'd never done many of them.

I did a couple 500m rows on one of the Concept2 rowers CrossFit Des Peres has these days. This was my first row and it is a great workout. I think I did my first 500m in 1:58. I was supposed to do the second a little faster. Apparently 1:48 is a lot faster but that is what I did.

Next was deadlifts. I think I started with 115 lbs. We focused a lot on my form with the lighter weight and did several sets. I'm not sure how many reps I was doing but I believe I did sets at 115 lbs, 165 lbs, 185 lbs, 205 lbs, and 225 lbs. The last set seemed to be 5 reps. This was really light for me but was great for just getting back into things. Orie was careful with me and we both want to avoid the total self-destruction that can come from jumping in full bore with both feet.

Next, I did some pull-ups with a power band. I think I got 5 or 6 the first set with my grip facing forward. I adjusted a bit to the power band and switched grip for the second set, pulling off 8 reps. Switched grip again and the last set was 5 + several failed reps. I just couldn't get back up to the bar.

For a finish, I tried a 'weightless fran'. 21-15-9 thrusters with a dowel and standing mock pull-ups with a dowel. I really felt the squats at the beginning but by the end, the thrusters were the break. Those mock pull-ups burned and the lactic acid kept building up.

While I was resting afterward, pukie decided to pay a visit. I made it to the trash can but I didn't get it open and ended up cleaning up my mess. It was an unfortunate finish to a great workout. I guess my body isn't used to all the lactic acid. It seems to be the low output endurance events that get to me. I think Orie was bummed too. I broke his no pukie promise. He wouldn't have made it if he knew me better.

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