Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Honoring our Heroes - Randy

Randy (as rx'd)
75 x 75 lb power snatch for time

Randy (as performed)
75 x 80 lb sandbag power snatch


I had to choose between using the bar at 65 lbs or building part of my sandbag system. I actually aimed for 75 lbs in my sandbag but missed by 5 lbs. Such is the misery of life. Oh, pukie visited twice.

My weight and eating have been horrible recently. I'm up to 255 lbs. I'm also sleeping very poorly and usually less than 5 hours a night.
splits (completed 5 reps each time)
1:09, 2:25, 4:08, 6:01, 7:48,
9:50, 12:26, 13:34, 15:43, 17:41,
20:49, 22:04, 24:12, 26:20, 27:36

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