Monday, March 17, 2008

Simple Together

Michele and I did SimpleFit together today. She did level 1 day 1 and I did level 2 day 1.


Level 1, Day 1

1 pull up
2 push ups
3 squats

Go for max rounds in 20 minutes.

Completed 21 rounds.


Level 2, Day 1

1 pull up
3 push ups
4 squats

Max rounds in 20 minutes.

Completed 23 rounds.
I may have actually done 24.

It was nice to workout together.

Early on, the pull ups were the limit for me. 3-4 reps of pull ups may have had a little bit of a jump to them. I tried to concentrate on going from a full stop at the bottom but as I fatigued, my attention to detail deteriorated. The last few rounds, push ups were getting really tough. After the last round, my legs were burning too.

All in all, this was a great workout for my current condition.

1 comment:

ForMyLove said...

I enjoyed working out with you, too. It was really tough to get back in the swing of things but I'm ready to get back to the exercising. I appreciate your encouragement!